Twitter Dev Solidarity
As a true Tita, I’m new to this spectacle called Twitter. I have done a couple of sentiment analyses for various domains (finance, food, etc), extracting data from this site, but I haven’t tried joining it myself.
I joined it after an analysis I deployed for a NDMO (for which I also made a dashboard). According to the analysis, our propaganda campaigns seem to gain more traction in Twitter versus Facebook. We have much higher Organic Reach and Organic Engagement for most of the posts in Twitter vs on Facebook. The caveat to this is that our target demogs are actually the people who are in neither of these platforms. A high number of the proletariat are on the other side of the digital divide and that’s what our analysis have missed.
So, aside from using Twitter to add to this Organic Reach, it has been very fun to be a part of the #100DaysOfCode trend amongst developers / newbies / enthusiasts. I love the solidarity between programmers who know all too well the struggle of learning something new, how hard it is when you have no mentor, how extremely steep the learning curve can be. It truly helps when you hear someone else articulate their struggles and doubts. It does make all of us feel less alone, and in turn, become more inspired, encouraged and motivated.
It also reinforces the scrum-kind of thinking where you “Just Do It”. Where we all just “Hello World” our way into deployment. Where we just code no matter how none of the ancient scribbles of Javascript make sense to our tiny-baby-programmer-eyes.
In the midst of it all, my hope is that I become the Senior Data Scientist I wanted to have had as a mentor. I want to become that #WomanInTech I wanted to have as a life coach when I was young. Here’s to taking up space, being more visible, and to perpetually learning!